Saturday, March 20, 2010

Last weekend our team ride took us from Orinda, up into the Oakland hills on Skyline, turning south to Castro Valley and then coming back on Redwood for a sunny, crisp, yet beautiful 50-mile loop. We actually rode into the Oakland Zoo for a short stint. The training rides have us riding in groups with similar riding ability so I was kinda hoping I'd get assigned to a group with a few ladies like myself so we can talk about our cycling stuff, our kids, and admiring the landscaping.

So, there I was with Karen as my coach (thank goodness! she's GREAT). But the really cool thing about Karen is that she's good about keeping the group together. In fact, when I ride with guys, they usually drop me (that means I can't keep up and they don't wait). So when Karen was introducing us to each other at the start of the ride, I realized something...except for me and Karen, the rest of the group is ALL GUYS. So guess what me and guys talked about? Our stuff, our kids, and admiring the landscaping. Go figure! =)

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