Sunday, July 11, 2010

TNT Death Ride Team 2010

It truly was an honor to ride on behalf of Team In Training in the Death Ride on July 10th. After speaking with my team mates regarding their post-ride thoughts, at some point during the ride, each of us questioned ourselves, wondering if we were going to finish. But we were all finishers, completing the event to best of our abilities. We came together as a team and supported each other throughout the day. We were easy to spot, all wearing our lavender TNT jerseys. We became known as the "purple team" where the countless spectators along the route, even in the outskirts of Alpine County, were all shouting "GO TEAM!" as we passed. The spontaneous acknowledgement of the LLS mission was gratifying and pushed me along. It meant so much to me to hear a team mate shout my name, encouraging me as s/he passed by. Complete strangers would yell out my bib number, and say "You GO girl!" And the best part of all, was coming in to the finish, having completed ALL 5 passes, to the Team in Training tent where I was greeted with cheering and hugs from the TNT staff, coaches and team mates. What an honor!

On the drive home, it felt like I had been away for a long, long time. The fullness of event day: the people, the scenery, the emotions, and the grueling physical journey, just overflowed my mind. Though I am glad to be home, I will miss my team mates and hope we have a chance to share the road again soon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ready or not...

In the final days before the big event, I've taken an inventory of my cycling experience in the last 5 months. As part of my training, I've cycled over 2,200 miles for a total vertical distance of approximately 170,000 feet (not to mention the 3 flat tires, a worn out chain, busted front axle, and countless bad hair days). At the same time, our team has managed to raise over $100,000 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, a worthy cause!

Needless to say, I have spent most of this week organizing my STUFF, drinking lots of water each day, taking a little extra vitamin C, getting to bed a little earlier than usual, and enjoying the euphoric feeling of "Taper Week." Mixed in with all of that is some anxiety, I must admit. But I am even more grateful to have the good health and determination to complete this adventure. I can assure you, foremost on my mind are those for whom I do this: our team honorees, and those loved ones who have been touched by blood disease. They are Andrea, Dave, Dennis Diane, Donna, Gayle, Maria, Mark, Robyn S. and Vern; and for those who have passed: Hank, Jack, Darren, Elizabeth and Mary Mac. I ride for them all.