Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ready or not...

In the final days before the big event, I've taken an inventory of my cycling experience in the last 5 months. As part of my training, I've cycled over 2,200 miles for a total vertical distance of approximately 170,000 feet (not to mention the 3 flat tires, a worn out chain, busted front axle, and countless bad hair days). At the same time, our team has managed to raise over $100,000 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, a worthy cause!

Needless to say, I have spent most of this week organizing my STUFF, drinking lots of water each day, taking a little extra vitamin C, getting to bed a little earlier than usual, and enjoying the euphoric feeling of "Taper Week." Mixed in with all of that is some anxiety, I must admit. But I am even more grateful to have the good health and determination to complete this adventure. I can assure you, foremost on my mind are those for whom I do this: our team honorees, and those loved ones who have been touched by blood disease. They are Andrea, Dave, Dennis Diane, Donna, Gayle, Maria, Mark, Robyn S. and Vern; and for those who have passed: Hank, Jack, Darren, Elizabeth and Mary Mac. I ride for them all.

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