Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Only two more weeks...

Last weekend we completed the final long training ride that took us up (and down and up again) Mount Tamalpais in Marin County. We then headed up the coast and looped back for a total of 116 miles and 11,000 feet of vertical distance. We were blessed with great weather and a tail wind when we needed it. But I was most grateful for the hooplah and cheers from our team mates when our group of riders pulled into the parking lot at the end of the long day. It was very satisfying. =)


  1. The summary is very cool! What did you eat to replenish burning over 5,000. calories!

  2. Hi B:
    Team in Training volunteers provide a supply of calories at scheduled rest stops which usually consists of peanut butter sandwiches, roasted potatoes, hard boiled eggs, sliced oranges and cookies. I carry a supply of trail mix, powerbars and gel shots in case I need it in between (and I usually do) =) sliced oranges are my favorite tho!!!!!
