Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ride + Rain = Bad Hair Day

Our first group ride with Team in Training (TNT) was held yesterday in beautiful Mill Valley. We rode 25 miles with some mild climbing and views of San Francisco and the area bridges. It was quite a sight!

After a brief overview and safety check with the TNT coaches, we were rolling while the sun was still shining. By mile 10 we had started a climb up and over the hill and we started to see a little rain. The saying goes, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes." I thought of son, Ian, my Eagle Scout, and how he described the "11 essentials" for surviving outdoors (the 11th item is DUCT tape, btw). I was wearing all of the proper clothing, of course, which worked quite well until I got back to parking lot and took off my helmet.

So the 12th essential is a HAT to quickly cover any evidence of a coif mishap. Luckily, I didn't let my son down, and came well-prepared.

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